Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Vacation time and reading (for fun) = good idea

The days are short, the weather is cold, and we're almost on vacation from school.  I hope you all have some wonderful plans of ways to fill your days and nights -- even if that includes catching up on some much-needed sleep!

I really hope that you will make some time during the vacation to catch up on some reading for fun -- that is, read whatever you like.  Read a book, read some poetry, read a magazine, read a newspaper.  Read a book that you hold in your hands, read online, or read with a Kindle or Nook.

There are so many choices of ways to read, and you can really have fun reading.  If you are shaking your head thinking that's not likely, I'm going to guess that it has been a long time since you actually found something of interest to you to read.  I strongly encourage you to try again.  Please stop by the Library at school, and I'll be happy to help you find something you'll like.

Please post a comment on my blog to let me know what you plan to read during the school break!  If you read something that we don't have at school that you would recommend, definitely let me know about it, ok?  I value your input!!

Have a great holiday season and a wonderful vacation!

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